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California Citrus Tree Insurance
Available to insure your citrus trees in more counties than the Citrus APH plan.
Are your Citrus Trees protected?
If you grow citrus and have your fruit covered under an MPCI plan, are your young trees themselves protected? This program provides a specified dollar amount of protection,
chosen by you, the insured, that applies to your young uninsured trees.

This plan is available in Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Kern, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus, Tulare and Ventura counties.

Covering Your Young Citrus Trees From Set Out To 4th Leaf!
Grapefruit (Colored, White, & all other types)
Lemon (Eureka, Lisbon, and all other types)
Mandarin/Tangerine (Early and Late Season types)
Orange (Navel, Early, Mid, and Late Season types)
Tangelo (Minneola/Honeybell types)
Insured Causes of Loss
Fire, unless weeds and other forms of undergrowth have not been controlled or pruning debris which haven’t been removed from the grove.
Failure of the irrigation water supply if caused by an unavoidable naturally occurring event that occurs during the insurance period.
Tree Stages
Tree stages will be based on the number of months since the tree was set out:
Stage I = setout – 24 months
Stage II = 25 – 48 months.
7 Coverage Level Choices
Catastrophic (CAT), 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70% and 75%
(HF) Hail Fire Exclusion.
(OLO) Occurrence Loss Option. This option allows indemnities to be paid on smaller losses if a minimum percent of loss (5
percent) is exceeded. This option is not available with CAT. -
(FR) With Frost Protection.
(WC) Without Weed Control.
Frost Protection Requirements
At least 40 serviceable heaters per acre.
The number of wind machines that provide at least 5 propeller horsepower per acre (at least one wind machine in required for every ten acres regardless of propeller horsepower).
Solid set sprinklers or foggers supplied by well water (the pump and well must have the capacity to supply water to all the acreage simultaneously).
Insurance Period
The Sales Closing Date is November 1.
Insurance attaches on November 21 following the Sales Closing Date. Unless the carrier notifies you that all or part of the trees are uninsurable.
Insurance ceases on the earlier of.
November 20 of the crop year.
Total Destruction of the all the trees
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